Saturday 1 February 2014

Giving up alcohol

The first day of February has dawned and my commitment to give up alcohol for the month has commenced. I'm participating in Feb Fast as part of a workplace team.

If you're not familiar with this challenge, it is an example of yet another creative way of raising both awareness and funds. This time the funds go to helping young people who have addictions.

There are four things available to give up: alcohol, caffeine, sugar and digital screens. I've given up sugar already. Caffeine would be harder to avoid than alcohol. I was ready to give the digital fast a go, but then read that e-readers were included in the fast. Given I am an avid reader and now my books are most often on the e-reader I just couldn't give that up. So alcohol it is.

I've set a personal fundraising goal of $400 and would love you to consider donating by sponsoring me. You might also like to join in!

I've kicked things off with a $30 donation, the price of a good bottle of wine.

You might consider:

  • sponsoring $1 (or another amount) for each day of February
  • instead of buying a round at Friday night drinks, you could pass the hat around and donate the price of that round
  • how about that morning latte? If you can't imagine going without for a whole month, could you go without for a day or a week and donate the price of your cup of coffee to the cause?
Each small amount contributes to the larger amount.

I hope you can help. I can't imagine what my life would be like if I had an addiction. I often joke that I'm addicted to knitting (I can't watch TV without working on something; I finish one project and immediately start another; I think about knitting when I'm not doing it; I look forward to my next "hit"; sometimes I knit in secret (especially if I'm making a gift for someone). Addiction is a serious illness and the costs to individuals, families and our community are large. I've chosen to participate in Feb Fast as a way to take a small piece of responsibility for supporting my community.

I also expect to feel some personal benefits. I'm not a big drinker, but do enjoy wine. I consider I have a healthy relationship with alcohol, but I know that I'll still benefit from having none for the next month. 

Please consider helping in any way you can. If you decide to join the Fast, please let me know so I can support you too!

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